About the future deployment of fiber optics in France, the regulatory authority for telecommunications (ARCEP) has taken a position on two key points. The first concerns the choice of technology FFTH (abandoned by most developed countries), which brings fiber to the subscriber's home. In its communiqué ARCEP said "the dynamics of the broadband market in France fixed and palatability of the operators in this market to invest in a new local loop fiber to the subscriber (FTTH) is a unique in Europe, particularly conducive to the development of high speed in the territory. "
The second point talks about the choice of options and monofibre multifibre defended by Orange and Free. In his opinion, the authority goes against the assertion of Orange, who judges the option multifibre too expensive, and formally introduced it in the opportunities available in each building so that this solution is installed each When an operator wishes.
The telecoms watchdog said that in the 148 municipalities, or 5.16 million homes, "any operator may request the operator of a building (ie the operator chosen by the co-ownership fibrer building) to have a dedicated fiber for each additional housing, with a pre-installation and co-financing of initial investment. "
The authority says both that this is "conducive to the dynamics of competition and (offer) a guarantee for the future without creating undue hardship for the operators" and that its additional cost is modest compared to monofibre architecture and encourages investment in the fiber properties, encouraging a sharing of costs and hence risk.
Finally for ARCEP 'point of view, the laying of fiber Supernumeraries can change more easily operator (without loss of service) and subscribe to services from different operators.
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